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Why not? You’ll receive awesome content that includes:

  • 👨‍💻 How I make BuildFaster's HTML themes

  • 🔗 Great online resources

  • 🎨 Updates on new themes

  • 💵 Discount codes for themes every week

You’ll get a chance to evolve your web development skills by learning about trending topics in this area of programming and design.

Note from the Writer 📝

Hi, I’m Brayden! 👋

I’m a Frontend developer/designer and I do the work behind the scenes here.

I want to help you improve your web development skills and give you tips on how to save time! One ways I do this is by selling BuildFaster.co’s HTML themes. I release a new website theme every week so you can get a wide variety of options!

Want to give me a hand? Share our newsletter and your favorite themes with other friends of yours. 😄

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I really appreciate your efforts to help me reach out to more developers in need.

Brayden - Founder of BuildFaster


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A weekly newsletter about web design, awesome resources, updates on new theme releases, and great discounts!


Founder of BuildFaster.co | Frontend Developer/Designer